
This is worse than 05.Oh yeah Quintero didn't throw out any basestealers

This is worse than 05.Oh yeah Quintero didn't throw out any basestealers, but he picked Young off 3rd caught him leaning.And Manzella made a SUPERB play on a ball hit by Parra went behind 3rd, Feliz missed it, but Manzella didn't and replica Bvlgari BB33SSDAUTO watch threw to second in time to get the very fast young for a forceout.And that is IT for any sort of good news.This team doesn't even look as good as the sorry ass first 6 weeks of 05 team.Seriously.So here we are with another 8 loss streak.

- In the 7th, with 2 on, 1 out, he grounds into a double play.Too bad he didn’t strike out instead of “contact hitting.”- in the 9th with the team behind by 4, 1 out bases loaded, he hits a sac fly.Big Deal.And what REALLY pisses me off is how we are gonna be hearing how Adam Everett is the goat for the last out with bases loaded.You don’t see replica Chopard 277472-5001 watch getting any 17 mill a year for 6 years for HITTING, do you??Oh, I am STEAMED.I am just glad it was the Pirates.Yes, that’s right.Glad.For the 2000 fans who actually showed up at the ballpark.

- bottom of the first Taveras misjudges a fly ball to center replica Tissot T22.2.686.31 watch have been caught would have been the third out BUT it drops for a run scoring triple AND still only 2 outs.- bottom of the second Rolen hits a FB to left that Burke or Scott would have caught, but Palmeiro plays it on a hop instead and a run scores.Two innings, Backe is down 5 runs and has thrown 61 pitches he's a fly ball pitcher and needs GOOD OF remember that inCREDIBLE catch Carlos the Jackal made of Reggie Sanders' 420 flyout to deep center during Backe's 8 inning 1 hit masterpiece during the playoffs?!One more thing Taveras has an innacurate?

