
then the decisions should be put on the Jumbotron for the crowd to see

You might could not want umps wearing mikes, but if not, then the decisions should be put on the Jumbotron for the crowd to see:-?such as?(with the Spivey decision) GO Oswalt to Bagwell (lots of people don’t know what 1-3 means, believe it or not.) So then the crowd knows it wasn’t a dropped strike 3 or player interference.-?such as?with replica Tissot T65.7.187.61 Ladie's watch the Taveras decision DP Rolen force Ausmus, Pujols force Biggio, Taveras then safe on first.Actually, this one is long and here is a case where the ump with a microphone would be more helpful.With the Spivey decision,

For all yall who think defense does not matter unless we’re talking about Chris Burke, take a look at Lance Berkman an error (oh YES it was) on Castillo’s grounder and at Mike Lamb screwing up the tailor made 5-4-3 double play in the 6th AND then Luke Scott dropping the single to right that let an extra run score.And because that idiot homeboy scorer replica Chopard 278418-3002 watch decided to give Castillo a hit to help his 100 BA on an OBVIOUS error, poor Wandy got stuck with 2 “earned” runs in the 6th, and another in the 8th from getting Francoed by Qualls.Now, we gotta hear how of COURSE Wandy has an ERA over 4, see, toldja he’s no good.Bullstuff.

I like how Mills has Bourn, the best hitter on the team, sac-bunt the runner over.So naturally, we also lost to Ex-Stros Gutierrez, who came in with an ERA of 7.46 and Qualls, who came in with an ERA of 8.Three up, three down, both times.Roy gave up a whole LOT of hard hit balls Bourn ran his butt off all night, catching 5 balls that flew to deep, deep center but unfortunately, he couldn't catch the ball that Upton hit off a fastball waist replica Bvlgari LCV29SLD/SLN Ladie's watch high mid plate it went over the wall in back of the Hill first time I've seen that happen.And that was the ballgame.Roy got 8 Ks, gave up 2 walks, 1 IBB, 4 singles and 1 HR 1 ER and he lost.No WONDER he wants out these days.I don't blame him.

