
went out of their way to be Patek Philippe replica watches friendly

And people went out of their way to be Patek Philippe replica watches friendly, joke around, and tell us how much they love Americans. Of course, my guess is the ones who don’t like Americans were less inclined to stop by for a chat, but the overwhelming impression I got was that, in Pakistan, if you can move beyond the fear of some serious evil-eye glares you’ll wind up in a conversation with someone with workable English who is genuinely friendly and eager to spread light on the misconceptions about their culture.The next day we ventured into the 42C heat (107F) to pay a visit to the Alpine Club of Pakistan. This stopover is required of all climbers needing a peak permit. At the ACP headquarters in Islamabad’s sprawling sports complex we met a group of French and Canadian climbers who were on their way to Gasherbrum II.

We also had the great pleasure of meeting Yusuke Sato, Zenith replica watches one of the Giri Giri Boys who is a double Piolet d’Or nominee. In English, this means Sato is one of the premier climbers on the planet right now. Sato, Fumitaka Ichimura, and Katus Yokoyama are on their way to push a new route up the North Face of Latok, a particularly fearsome peak with no easy routes and very few ascents. Lord have mercy. Sato told me Giri Giri is Japanese for at the limit or on the edge. When our turn was called, we went in for a meeting with the head of the Alpine Club of Pakistan, Wing Commander Javaid Iqbal. Seems the Air Force more or less oversees the ACP as well as the national ski team.In any case, Commander Iqbal was a serious but pleasant man. He asked us about our previous climbing experience and what we did for work. The whole scenario kind of had the same feeling as that of visiting with your girlfriend’s dad where a certain amount of respect is called for but ultimately you’re both on the same team.

He also told us about the high mountain K2 cleanup project that has been scheduled for this year by the ACP together with the Ev-K2-CNR Committee. Their last swiss replica watches initiative, a cleanup of Concordia, was well-needed and greatly appreciated.After that, we went to exchange some cash. I’m here to report that at this time $1 is worth 85 Pakistani rupees and one euro is worth 98. Clearly, the global economy isnt doing so hot.--Trey Cook (with Fredrik Ericsson) For more photos of K2, check out climber Fabrizio Zangrillis gallery.

